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Woman, Why from the Rib?

From an exiting rib, the woman was formed. From a rib, a bone, in the man's ribcage. To the ears of some women, these words do not fall well into their hearts, just as the words of, "the woman was formed from the man" therefore, named wo-man, so to put it, "taken from the man."

 "Do not find it offensive, dear Children, that the true IS that woman was born from the man's rib. What is the purpose of this bone, this rib? It's a whole of the ribcage, the ribcage is vital for the life giving organs, namely the lungs and the heart. Due to the ribcage they are held together, protected, secure. If you hit this area the rib takes the blow, it keeps the organs sheltered from outside damage. Without the ribcage, these life giving organs would be so wobble and in danger.

 "Likewise, Children, likewise the role of the woman.

 "Some have asked or wondered, 'Why did God create her from a rib? from Adam's side...? Why not from his head, or hands or from his feet??'

 "Ponder with me: Under the arm, the side, these bones if hit hard are the most vulnerable, yet when the arm is strong and shields the ribcage, he protects the ribcage, knowing very well how vital they are to his whole being. If broken or crushed the casualties are huge, leading even to death." This was Mother Mary speaking.

Then Holy Spirit continues:

"She is taken from the rib because she needs to be protected. She is taken from a bone because the bones are lasting strong, a strong part of the body, the pillars of the body.

The strong arms of the man protects her, for her role is vital to his own life. They two are one. If one suffers, both suffer.

 She is not taken from the head of the man so as not to be superior and rule over him. She is not taken from his hands or feet so as not to rely on works or deeds as her mission. She is to safeguard his vital life giving organs. She provides love, security, and shelter to him from outside dangers, she keeps him intact and strong.

 It is honorable to be fashioned from the Man's ribcage, it is honorable the calling of loving and safeguarding life giving organs. Without protected lungs, you suffocate. Without a protected heart your die instantly. How vital your role, woman!

 Yet you are hidden under his arm, for you belong and were given to him, not for the 'world to see'. A man who loves his woman, loves his own dear life.

 A woman fulfills her role when thus under the shelter of his arms, guarding his life. Likewise, a protector of the offspring which spring forth from the Two become One. The man keeps the walls of the house intact and standing, and the woman keeps the heartbeats of the house pumping, the air of the lungs healthy. The woman can either support this life, or destroy it from within. She has the power to built, or destroy.

 "Being self-willed is a gene coming from the self-decision that Eve made. I am not talking about Free-will, the Free Choice Will which God gave. I am talking about how the Two who were One, through the will of One, both were torn apart.

 Eve has been under the protecting arm of Adam as she listened to his words which he told her not to eat of that certain fruit. As long as she remained at his side and listened, their unity as One lasted. But then when Eve, through the suggestion of the Serpent, she makes a choice alone, she stepped outside the protecting Wing of Adam, and thus their Will became Two, who had once been One in all. She made a decision alone, without consulting her Wing, her Man.

And so women have since then a struggle, a high difficulty even today to yield their Will to the leading of a man, they have a struggle to remain under the Wing of the Man. This can be seen as something descendant from the sin nature of Eve, when she fell. A rebellious, resistant attitude to her Covering, at some point or another. They have a hard time 'submitting'. This I mean not 'submit to a tyrant,' by that I mean 'submitting to the man God works together with.'

 Mary, being the New Eve, she listens, remains, and fulfills the role of protection for the life giving organs. Her house flourishes, it enlarges itself to a fragrant garden even.

The 'handmade of the Lord', does not mean 'to be oppressed' by the hands of those she is given to, as a tool to be used only. Eve and Mary both had Free-Will, this is a gift God gives to every human being. Both made a choice, and by their choice you see the fruit they brought.

Every woman has a Free-will, just as very man has one too. It is a gift both have from God their Creator. It is the same nowadays, women can choose, but their choice will bring a bloom or a devastation, it will built up or tear down, it will bring life or death.

Mary has cooperated with the Plan of Redemption which God had, thus, she has therefore redeemed the role of the Woman, of Eve, herself being the New Eve. Remaining under the Old Eve, is to remain under sin and self. To side near Mary, is to cooperate and become New yourself. From old Eve, to New Eve, fit for the New Creation God has, "where all things will be made new" [Reference to the scriptures with this passage in the bible].

This time, He started with them [humans].

"Through the Word, all things were made," and through the Word, all things are re-made, renewed! Jesus Christ alone is the way, the truth, and the life. The old has faded, is fading, destined for a renewal!"

"Will you cooperate?"

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